ɅV – A Sound Writing Tool
2. SIDE 4CHAN: Sparse
Andreas Bülhoff & Marc Matter
Andreas Bülhoff (sync zine, Library of Artistic Print on Demand, SLU&ERS) and Marc Matter
(Institut für Feinmotorik, The Durian Brothers, Salon des Amateurs) first met for a collaborative sound poetry performance at Poesiefestival Berlin in 2018, resulting in an ongoing artistic research of which ɅV is its latest manifestation.
«'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.'
'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master — that's all.'»
Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass
ɅV (phonetic transcription for ‹of› or ‹off›) is a twelve-inch vinyl record consisting of spoken words, which can be used as a DJ-tool to compose an artificial dialogue.
It makes use of 32 monosyllabic words on each side which were collected from the website of the
New York Times (newspaper, formal language, mainstream, liberal) and a subforum of the 4chan
messageboard entitled Politically Incorrect (online messageboard, informal language, subculture,
reactionary) in winter 2018/19. Recited by two synthetic voices, they mirror two opposing extremes
of current online debate in the materiality of a vinyl record.
This work aims to let contrasting positions of political discourse talk to each other, while stripping
the language from its context to generate new text.
Mixing two copies of this record in a DJ-setup is recommended to construct unpredictable
connections. To multiply the possibilities of meaning, it contains ambiguous and homophonous
words only (avoiding hate speech), arranged in lists, text planes, rhythmic compositions plus four
locked-grooves on each side. The artwork, designed by Jan Klöthe, features all words in phonetic
transcription as well as graphic scores of all ten tracks.
ɅV is at the same time a post-digital take on sound poetry as it is created due to the current
landscape of online debates and their ideologies. In the combinatorial filter bubble of this record,
looped words become a writing method that may produce fragmentary narratives or arbitrary