i can't hear you
3. slow core
Raluca Croitoru “sound sound marks”
workshop and soundscape focused on the acoustic properties of our work environments
FemmeFitness “(Over) Stretch”
class of low energy stretch routines

Raluca Croitoru will facilitate a workshop focused on the acoustic properties of our work environments. Through listening exercises, thinking about sounds and also through making, we will imagine and experiment with making small sonic adjustments for a more creative and supportive work soundscape. Duration: 1-1.5 hours, no prior musical background or experience required.
→Registration for the workshop has been closed
Raluca is working on a soundscape to accompany her workshop in September. For this, she is collecting sound recordings of people's various work environments. If you're interested in contributing, please record on your phone at least two minutes of your nearby environment while you are at work/do work (could be any type and any location - home, bike, car, café, office, shop). Send the recording straight to Raluca's e-mail croitoru[dot]raluca@gmail[dot]com, it will be deeply appreciated.
Raluca Croitoru (b.1989) is a visual artist and performer from Constanța (RO), currently based in Rotterdam (NL). Croitoru uses a multidisciplinary approach that coalesces elements from fine art, choreography and performance. Her practice focuses on embodiment and the interplay of the ambivalent states of activity and rest in everyday work and leisure environments. Croitoru works with performance, installation and video. Her works have been performed and exhibited at TBA Performance Festival, Portland (USA), Art in General, NYC (USA), Skånes Konstförening, Malmö (SE), Playground Performance Festival, Leuven (BE) and Art Encounters Biennial, Timișoara (RO).

This FemmeFitness event will be dedicated to reflecting on work; work as in emotional, invisible, physical, racialised, and gendered. Alongside movement, we will give space to all the work we do that goes unnoticed. We will stretch from all the times we have been over-stretched. There will be space for all feelings, and we hope to remind ourselves of the value of taking a moment of time to stretch, rest and be (re)connected to our bodies.
→Registration for the workshop has been closed
The event is open to all gender identities but due to the limited numbers Anisha will explicitly be prioritising QTIBIPoCs.
Anisha will instruct mostly low energy stretch routines from her FemmeFitness class, some which may be on the floor but mostly are in a standing position. The routines can be adapted to seated positions - chairs will be available - and Anisha will encourage people to alter any moves to suit their own body. None of the routines are compulsory of course! Music will be played loud but the bass can be adjusted for participants. The talking will take place in spoken English but spoken German translation, please notify us in case sign language.
Anisha Müller is an artist and movement instructor from the UK who gives empowerment workshops and talks. She specialises in feminist body practices where her main achievement has been founding and teaching the dance workout class: FemmeFitness. Her work is driven by the need to confront and discuss the policing of bodies, safer spaces and critical whiteness. Aiming to bring QTIBIPOC to the front, she has given workshops in London and Berlin including with Sophiensaale, Weissensee Kunsthochschule and Haus der Kulturen der Welt.
We are aware the pandemic is still a risk, so we will take measures to be as safe as possible.
Please come with a negative Corona test result (or vaccination or COVID recovery). Nearest test center from our venue Brüsseler Str. 8, 13353 Berlin. When indoors, everyone needs to wear a mask. When moving around outside, you also need a mask, unless you are within appropriate distance from others.
Changing Room is approx. 250 m from the U6 Bahnhof and S-Bahn Seestrasse. There is no elevator from this platform to the sidewalk. If you need an Elevator you need to leave the U-bahn at the stop U6 Leopoldplatz (One stop before Seestrasse when coming from Mitte)
The venue is only accessible by wheelchair on the ground floor platform. From there the space is visible and Performances can be viewed. For the main area 4 deep steps need to be taken. The toilet is gender-neutral. The space is such that there are big windows that open to a large public outdoor area, so the indoor spaces are well ventilated. Chairs with backs are available.
If you have needs that we can help accommodate to ensure your participation in this event, please send us an email to: studio.tef@gmail.com Contact: Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez
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